Monday, December 3, 2007

Two Branches. One seed.

So we have seen now how exactly we become influenced and how it is all tied to our search, through life's experiences, for the meaning of this life. What would, then, be the argument in the middle of this idea of influence? To be extremely vague in an attempt not to specify the individual sects of the argument but instead focus on one problem, there is one side that thinks people should not allow themselves to be influenced, while the one side thinks that to be influenced is acceptable, as long as it is by people that are able to be trusted with the huge responsibility that influence brings. We may call the first group, green group (this is the group that does not approve of being influenced by anyone, with a "only believe what you yourself can find to be true".) We will call them green group in an attempt to give them an unbiased title, one that simply relates to the Christmas season. The second group, that sees being influenced as acceptable if the one influencing you is trustworthy, will be called the red group, again, keeping it within the Holiday season. In an attempt to solve the argument, one might focus on the pros and cons of each group. This would allow for great amounts of knowledge to be acquired, even concerning both groups. Now, though becoming educated on both side's views/opinions is an important step, it is not the final step in settling such controversy. Though most might disagree, not necessarily in word but certainly in action, the controversy must be taken a step further in order to understand and actually solve, yes solve, it in completeness. In such step, a question should certainly be the primary action. The questioner must be momentarily removed from either side and look at both sides as well as the conflict. In our situation, the question "Now why do the green and red groups disagree?" should be brought to light. Why does the green group disagree with the red group? Not what do the disagree upon, or what would the benefits be for each group in light of victory, but WHY do they disagree? I would like to suggest reasons they disagree, and though they may be speckled with my own bias, I will try my best to rid these reasons of any such unfairness. The red and green groups disagree at the idea that influence is either good or bad. In fact they aren't worried about influence, as much as they are about the consequences of influence. One group thinks influence makes an individual weak, while the other thinks certain influence can actually strengthen the individual. In addition to this, one group thinks influence allows for a way out, a "cop out" even, while the other clearly disagrees, and views certain influence as simply an answer. So, if we solve these two conflicts, then essentially the primary conflict between the red and green groups will cease to exist. For example, we could find a way to show that certain influence in fact does rob an individual of his or her own intellectual drive. Perhaps if I provide a brief phrase of summarization then this complex process may increase in its clarity. If we can find the questions, not the answers, that drive controversies, the "why(s)" and not the "because(s)," only then can we begin to in fact claim authority over the argument and point instead to the root of the controversy as opposed to the division of the stem that has only grown from the root. Without such root, there could be no divided branches or divided stems, so it is the root, the "why" that is essential to question and wrestle with, as opposed to the incredibly dependent stems. Thus, what then could be a deeper part of the root of this controversy? This green side and this red side have in fact stemmed from the same root, just as tree branches all originated from the same seed. Why does influence have to result in conflict? Stay posted, but in the mean time, try and think of these difficult in captivating reasons for such a, now beautifully complex, controversy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Real, Reality, and Real Reality

Knowing how precious your time is, I want to continue in making the point, while also giving you some "food for thought" while all in what I hope to be a brief post. As we continue on our search for "the meaning or purpose of life," it is incredibly important to notice what exactly has occurred. I think as I bring to light what has been happening as you have read you will agree but be a bit surprised. As we have searched for such purpose I have tried to explained my bias and the perspective that I come from. In this, you, my ever so loyal readers, have commented and made suggestions about what you have found on your journey to find the purpose of life. Though there are different journeys and different perspectives, the important thing to first note is that you actually are searching for purpose. What that purpose is, may be in question, but the search in itself is clearly evident. Now in this search you have come to read, hear, observe, study, etc, different people's views on such meaning. You have read my perspective, and seeing that many of you are college students, it is highly likely that you have heard many different ideas that people have for the purpose of your life! Many people think that they know what your life's purpose is to be about, not only their own life's purpose but yours too! How nice of them right? You have spent immense hours, though not all of them, of your life seeking this purpose and now they claim to have found it for you and for them! Though some people that claim this you may not listen to, others, for various reasons, seem more appealing and you at least allow their views to enter into your thoughts, even if they are brief entrances. However, such passages into your thought are the definition of a key word in the theory stated in my first post. I do not always know why or for what reasons, I allow other people's views to take a toll on mine, it could be because I trust them or because they lay out a persuasive argument, it could be because I have grown weary of my search for true meaning and have thus just come to accept whatever is put on the table, or because I have apathy towards the meaning of life and personally just don't care, but the basis behind it is irrelevant to the fact that it is occurring! The fact is that in our struggle to find purpose, we allow others to INFLUENCE our view. Now, one that has influence over us in our purpose of life idea also begins to wield great influence in other aspects of our life. For example, those that have a life devoted to becoming the best athlete they can be, often times look to professionally athletes for advice in their journey to become the best. In this way, they practice with the same drills the pros do. They eat what the pros eat. They wear what the pros wear. It just so happens that many professional athletes wear UnderArmour, and many amateur players look to these pros, thus they too wear UnderArmour. It is in the influence that we veer off the path from what we have come to find as solid and real. It is in this influence that we almost seem to divide ourselves into one that is real, and one that is influenced. Where have you allowed unsubstantial influence to permeate into your life? What in your life have you found to be... real?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Knowledge of the Related but Unknown

What you are about to read may seem a bit out of place. It indeed may appear to have absolutely no connection with what you have been reading in my prior posts. However, I guarantee you that there is a connection. Though these seemingly random facts and tid bits of knowledge do not appear related, they are indeed connected in some direct or for many an indirect way. They are indeed interesting though, as I would continue on if I were to be you. Of course though, that's not the case because you are you, none the less, do procede.
In segments of my research where I was investigating football, I found that there were a couple players that I had always observed, but never knew their titles. For example, the "gunner" in football is the a special teams (kickoffs, punts, etc..) player that has the job of sprinting down the field as fast as he can after a punt, and trying to tackle the punt returner with little gain on the returner's part. I had always seen one man break away from the pack for the punting team and make it down field, but I had never known he was actually supposed to be the first one down there, I suppose I had assumed that he was just faster than the other players or had achieved a better position in relation to avoidance of blockers. Along with the gunner, there is also a "wedge buster" who, like the gunner, is on the punt team and his job is to actually run right into the blockers on the side of the field of the punt returner in order to disrupt any form of organized blocking from the opposing team. Two players I had seen for some time, little did I know they were actually doing it right all along.

In continuing my investigation of the related but unknown, I found that many ancient Natives to our land also played sports. Though they certainly didn't have Under Armour to help keep them cool or warm depending on the conditions, they did in fact play in all conditions. Strangely enough, they did sport a loin cloth uniform, usually with leather 'hip guards.' Also, normally a wooden girdle was worn. How interesting it would be to see an NFL player sport one of these ancient costumes? Then again, you may not want to think about it.

UnderArmour, was actually worn by marines for some time! I thought that was very interesting, however, it's not as interesting as the reason they no longer wear it, or at least, are told not to do so. Many military branches now discourage the use of UnderArmour, depsite it's 'degree' of effectiveness, because when close to fire, the UnderArmour polyester material will fuse to the skin.

However, polyester is a very broad category, it serves as an umbrella for a large variety of materials. For example, some forms of polyester are actually very heat resistant and they are used as a sealant for jet engines. Some forms of polyester stuff pillows, while others serve as a finish for products such as pianos and guitars. That's an interesting thought now isn't it. The same thing basis of fabric that NFL football players wear, is what you lay your head down on at night.

I did indeed stumble accross many more interesting facts. However, most were either in other languages or just not as interesting as some of these were. Thanks for taking the time to read up on these related but unknown facts and I hope just maybe you learned something. Until then.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Highlights of Various Junctures

I am actually going to defer this post from making actual progress in the point I am trying to prove, instead I want to highlight the key points that have been previously discussed. First off, know where I am coming from. Know that I am in the midst of my college education and that I have been raised to be and remain a faithful believer in Christ Jesus. Along with these things, take note as to the metaphor I have been using. The basketball player practices in order to obtain success in games he will later partake and participate in. In this same way, of what we do on a day to day basis, could foreshadow what we hope to do later in life. If one spends a majority of time studying academics, it is likely that he or she wants to be smart in a particular field, which is normally believed to lead to a high paying job, just providing financial success. In my postings, I have mentioned several times, "the purpose of life," or "the meaning of life." I pose the question, could the purpose of life be what we hope to derive from life? If so, then would this not mean that if we desire to obtain financial success later in life, that would make such success "the purpose of life?" Thus, the purpose of life would thereby be, in the years that I am in, to study, and study, and study. Though I disagree with this entire concept, I cannot deny its existence in our world, as it is a system of beliefs held dearly by many of our peers. These are the points I wanted to make sure you remembered before reading my next post. So, now you may continue on!

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Guided Tour Through Grace

I hope I have allowed adequate time for you to read and cerebrate upon the previous postings, especially the most recent. As is, we are left with the thought, that the every day tasks we do, are not merely in vain, but are in fact linked to some other hope or plan for the future. The basketball player practices in order to perform well in the upcoming season. The student, such as myself, is studying in order to obtain an education, which he or she as been told, that will provide for high paying salary later in life. However, when asked if I thought this exact system of logic defined the meaning of life, I could not help but to laugh. The process of becoming educated, and then obtaining a substantial occupation could not possibly fill the vacant space under the meaning of life column. It could not be so! Now, into a world of rebellion to this idea we plunge. Please, fail to think that I am forcing you to become a citizen of this world, or to assume that I think everyone views the world as I do. I am perfectly aware that this is not the case. Some may in fact disagree with my vague suggestion, and they may adhere to the idea that the meaning of life is actually to become financially succesful, a term that is relative to that individual's belief. Of such people I am not unaware, but I invite them to see the world momentarily as I and as some others see it. There is no purchase necessary or no lines to sign in obligation, I simply invite you to come on a tour of this thought, that the meaning of life can't possibly be such a trivial, in my opinion, pursuit.
Now, again, remember where I am coming from, as noted in the first post, and recall the basketball metaphor. I have, like others, decided to devote my life to following Jesus Christ. Oh the emotional implications and connotations that come with such a name! For me, a blend of joyful grace filled suffering, while for the reader, such relations can not be known. I invite you to comment on what thoughts the name Jesus Christ bring to your mind. The first word that enters your thoughts after such a name is read or stated would be an excellent place to begin. Now, because of this life-long devotion, I have made many attempts to draw closer to my God, not to be saved, for that is by grace alone. Grace can be related to a gift found under the tree on Christmas morning or even on the evening of one's birthday; a gift that once is opened the receiver knows without a doubt the gift came at a great cost to the giver, but when he or she checks for the price tag, it has been cut off and in its spot reads a note with the theme, "for you, because I love you." This is the grace I believe in, I know that it did not cheap, like a fine winter's coat that is put on with caution due to its expensiveness, but the how high the cost and how difficult it was to obtain will never be wholly known by the receiver. It is because of this grace and love that I do the things I do. It is not the opposite, if the order is reversed, the entire basis of Christianity is abolished! If I were to go to church and live for God, in order to obtain his grace and love, it would not be grace at all! For I know of my many many shortcomings and sins and I believe that God has extended his grace to me in order to save me from such. If I were to believe that I must "obtain" such grace through my own efforts, I would not be practicing Christianity, but I would be practicing some other form of religion and I would not DARE claim the Bible as my holy book. Make no mistake, and know that I do not pray and study and fellowship in order to obtain grace, but I do so because I have already been gifted grace. Thus, I do things now, with hope of what will come. I cling to this grace, that I have not obtained but been given at no cost to me, now, with faith that I will be saved. I cling to this today, faithfully believeing that I will indeed receive salvation through Jesus Christ. Now, that is my religious view, I would love to hear some of your beliefs. As for the next post, we will explore some diferent approaches to the meaning of life that might leave you deeply questioning. Until then, thanks for your time, and those of you that were touring my beliefs and not agreeing with them, thanks

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

From the Tropics to the Blender

With an inquisitive mindset is how I intend you, the reader and invited responder, to approach this post. As I left you with previously, a list of related sites intended solely to jumpstart your mind and prepare it for discussion. (Notice the use of discussion and not some form of one-way communication.) Now, let us continue... For some reason, I feel the need in my life to find meaning, purpose, or even an elaborate and satisfying definition of life. However, so many things in life also appear to be futile, allowing for fleeting pleasure or even brisk fulfilment. Perhaps an example would assist in the demonstration: the bowl of cereal I had this morning, will mean next to nothing a week from now. Without it, I would have been just fine, satisfying my hunger through snack or through a lunch later in the day. This is clearly futile and cannot purposely bring meaning and purpose to life. However, there are other more... alluring, if you will. While some may find food equally enticing, many tend to spend their lives in hot pursuit of strikingly different commodities. Monetary success, social status, or the classic, "just wanting to have fun" approach. Though some may share in relation while others seem to be polar opposites, all none the less are ways in which one spends parts of his or her life. Consider this, an olympic athlete training for the sport of basketball. In the future, he hopes to play on the US team and achieve great success. However, that is in the future, and for now he must train. Now, what does he practice. Does he spend all his time perfecting the lay-up. Six days a week he runs lay-up drills. Same side, both side, reverse lay-up, everything there is to a lay-up, he practices it. However, if he were to take such an approach, what would happen if he were given the ball outside the three point line and there were no open lane? Would he know how to pass? No, he had spent all his time on lay-ups. Would he know how to pull back for a fade-away jumper? Again, no 'expertise' in that either. So, in order to avoid such a terrifyingly ruinous (and not to mention awkward) presence on the court, he practices all aspects of the game, not only the lay-up. He spends a divided number of days in a week working on his jump shot, his lay-up, his passing, his dribbling, a significant amount of every aspect of the game until he is good at all options which he will have while the game will be in play. In this sense all things he is practicing now, are only being performed with intentions of being used at a later date. But of course! There are the in-betweens. The gatorade he drinks as he waits his turn in the drill line, the dinner he eats after a long days workout, etc... Such things cannot be made out as the main point though, because what is he thinking about during those minor activities? Basketball. What am I thinking about as I eat my cereal, perhaps with some fresh fruit, in the morning? The day's work: the classes, the exams, the studying that I need to do today or that I didn't do last night, that is what can dictate my thoughts (the majority of the time.) Such events set my schedule. Now if such aspects are what I do on the day to day level, then, in relation to the basketball metaphor, does that mean that that I am studying/training for what I want to do late in life? Could academic excellence be the goal? Or is it the hopes that such excellence would directly cause some other process, such as financial success? For now, let these ideas and thoughts marinate, and stay 'posted...'

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Some sites to wrestle with...

The following list of descriptions and sites is composed of a variety of different links that are sometimes directly, and other times indirectly or subtly related to the content, both already posted and yet to be posted, of my blog. They are all fairly interesting, so just check out the ones that may appeal to you! Enjoy...

This first link is one that is very intersting, in my opinion. You will find a few quick questions as to "how persuasive you are" or as to how effective you are at influencing someone. It doesn't take long at all, trust me, I can't stand those 300 page online IQ quizes. It does bring up some interesting points though, check it out

Who's more vulnerable to being persuaded or influenced? Is it the person who holds himself in high esteem and thinks he will never be persuaded? Or the lady who thinks lowly of herself and thinks that it wouldn't take too much to persuade her? I think the answer will baffle some of you, check out this quick article to find out. And the last paragraph even mentions the 'implications'.

Are you skimming over these links because you really enjoy them? Or is it because you don't have any friends to go hang out with right now. If you answered 'no friends' then this is the link for you, you who needs some help in your ability to influence people into liking you. Taken from an age old classic, check out these influence/dealing with people tips that have been effectively around since 1936. (But don't forget to ask yourself, "should I allow myself to be influenced by these guidelines for influence?)

What does it mean to live in a real world of scarcity? When some things become hard to obtain, and if such conditions remain in today's world, what do we do in order to remain at such a high standard of living in America? see what one lady suggests...

What does good old wikipedia say about social influence? Is there any difference between actual influence and peer pressure? Peer pressure is just being influenced by one's peers? Or is it?

This site includes some quick and very brief details concerned with social influence. If you're one who prefers bullets and quickness then just browse through this page. Social Influence is the second topic from the top. However, the other terms discussed on this page are interesting as well..

This is Under Armour's official site, with the click of a mouse, or trackpad, you are instantly bombarded with pictures of professional athletes wearing the Under Armour gear. Just keep these images in mind as you read my future posts! And of course, some of the Under Armour commercials could get you pumped up if you're about to go play some sport, just an idea. After all, we must protect this house.

Here it is, I know you've all been waiting for it. Time Magazine's list of the most influential people in the world, or as they put it "The People Who Shape Our World- Here's our list of the 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world." See how your favorite leaders/politicians/movie stars turn out, or if they just didn't make the cut.

Now that we've got Time's List, here is a braoder list of the most important people in the world. Unfortunately, those people that have a large degree of influence, often can be viewed by some people as the 'most important.' Here's one website's ratings as to who wields such importance.

With Time Magazine's list in your head, see how ABC rates the most Influential people of the world, you won't want to skip this one!

Okay, so some of you don't know any other outside world than that of sports. For those of you like this, don't worry, there is such a list for you too! When it comes to influence, see how Peyton Manning compares to Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner. Ironically enough, the list is brought to you by businessweek.

This one, I know, is advertising a book. However, beside it, and along with the book's title, you will find actually the 101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived! It's real quick and real interesting to see such familiar names or people, who... aren't actaully real people at all...

This follow up link discusses the importance and significance towards society of those on the list you just read. If that previous list left you wanting just a little more, then check out this very brief statement about the importance of fictional influence.

So you've heard differenct celebrities endorsing or tearing down political candidates and office holders time and time again. For some reason, some poeple think that with money and fame comes an instant knowledge of who or what is better for the nation. But does everyone think this? How influential are these celebrities when election day comes around?

What does it mean to have social status? Does social status really grant one individual influence over another? Or is social status completely man made that has actually little weight when it comes to reality?

Are all societies in heirerchichal form? Is there any society where no single individual has influence or power over any other individual? See what some have to say about non-stratified societies

In America, we are socialized to beleive that the "majority rules." If this is the case, does the minority have any power or influence? If so, what are the standard conditions needed for this to take place, for example, does the minority only obtain influence if they are a certain size, or there is a certain cirumstance occuring?

For this site, I would like for you to read the two sentence quote by Scott Adams. Can you think of people in your life that he may be describing? It is an interesting concept, do such people have more power than those who were listed on Time Magazine's list?

What do other students, some younger, think about how much influence celebrities have on us in the market place? For example, if a celebrity is seen wearing a certain brand, how much more do you want to wear that brand than you did before you saw famous sally wearing it? See what other students think about you!

So, what do you buy and why do you buy it, one CEO has listed some facts, in bulleted form, for you to see who others are turning to before they purchase a product.