Monday, November 12, 2007

A Guided Tour Through Grace

I hope I have allowed adequate time for you to read and cerebrate upon the previous postings, especially the most recent. As is, we are left with the thought, that the every day tasks we do, are not merely in vain, but are in fact linked to some other hope or plan for the future. The basketball player practices in order to perform well in the upcoming season. The student, such as myself, is studying in order to obtain an education, which he or she as been told, that will provide for high paying salary later in life. However, when asked if I thought this exact system of logic defined the meaning of life, I could not help but to laugh. The process of becoming educated, and then obtaining a substantial occupation could not possibly fill the vacant space under the meaning of life column. It could not be so! Now, into a world of rebellion to this idea we plunge. Please, fail to think that I am forcing you to become a citizen of this world, or to assume that I think everyone views the world as I do. I am perfectly aware that this is not the case. Some may in fact disagree with my vague suggestion, and they may adhere to the idea that the meaning of life is actually to become financially succesful, a term that is relative to that individual's belief. Of such people I am not unaware, but I invite them to see the world momentarily as I and as some others see it. There is no purchase necessary or no lines to sign in obligation, I simply invite you to come on a tour of this thought, that the meaning of life can't possibly be such a trivial, in my opinion, pursuit.
Now, again, remember where I am coming from, as noted in the first post, and recall the basketball metaphor. I have, like others, decided to devote my life to following Jesus Christ. Oh the emotional implications and connotations that come with such a name! For me, a blend of joyful grace filled suffering, while for the reader, such relations can not be known. I invite you to comment on what thoughts the name Jesus Christ bring to your mind. The first word that enters your thoughts after such a name is read or stated would be an excellent place to begin. Now, because of this life-long devotion, I have made many attempts to draw closer to my God, not to be saved, for that is by grace alone. Grace can be related to a gift found under the tree on Christmas morning or even on the evening of one's birthday; a gift that once is opened the receiver knows without a doubt the gift came at a great cost to the giver, but when he or she checks for the price tag, it has been cut off and in its spot reads a note with the theme, "for you, because I love you." This is the grace I believe in, I know that it did not cheap, like a fine winter's coat that is put on with caution due to its expensiveness, but the how high the cost and how difficult it was to obtain will never be wholly known by the receiver. It is because of this grace and love that I do the things I do. It is not the opposite, if the order is reversed, the entire basis of Christianity is abolished! If I were to go to church and live for God, in order to obtain his grace and love, it would not be grace at all! For I know of my many many shortcomings and sins and I believe that God has extended his grace to me in order to save me from such. If I were to believe that I must "obtain" such grace through my own efforts, I would not be practicing Christianity, but I would be practicing some other form of religion and I would not DARE claim the Bible as my holy book. Make no mistake, and know that I do not pray and study and fellowship in order to obtain grace, but I do so because I have already been gifted grace. Thus, I do things now, with hope of what will come. I cling to this grace, that I have not obtained but been given at no cost to me, now, with faith that I will be saved. I cling to this today, faithfully believeing that I will indeed receive salvation through Jesus Christ. Now, that is my religious view, I would love to hear some of your beliefs. As for the next post, we will explore some diferent approaches to the meaning of life that might leave you deeply questioning. Until then, thanks for your time, and those of you that were touring my beliefs and not agreeing with them, thanks


Abstract Queen said...

You’re so deep!!! You are saying what I’ve been thinking my entire life. I have questioned myself numerous times asking the meaning of life. I’ve officially decided that my purpose in life it to live as God wants me, so that I can live with my Father when I die. My job, house and car will not matter. All of the material aspects in my life will have no importance. Nothing will except for how I lived for my time on Earth. I loved your quote, “I do not pray and study and fellowship in order to obtain grace, but I do so because I have already been gifted grace.” We live to praise God for how he has/is continuously blessing us, not to get blessed. So why do we live when God already knows how our life it going to be? God is testing us. Our prize is to live with Him when we die in a life full of peace and happiness. But in order to do that, we have to make it through this world of hurt, pain, thievery, negative people, etc. I look forward to reading your next post.

McCrea said...

Word, Willy.

I'm taking a religion class right now, History of Christian Traditions (reli 161 if you're interested), and right now we're talking about Martin Luther and the Reformation. He drifted away from the Roman Catholic Church with the new idea that works will not obtain salvation. It is only through faith in Christ alone that salvation can be achieved. Because no one is righteous, no matter how hard we try we will still fail. For if we could attain righteousness ourselves, then Christ died for nothing. Those opposing Luther said that his view of Christianity was too easy - just accept a gift and you will be saved? Yeah right. Your posting just really reminded me of that.