Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Highlights of Various Junctures

I am actually going to defer this post from making actual progress in the point I am trying to prove, instead I want to highlight the key points that have been previously discussed. First off, know where I am coming from. Know that I am in the midst of my college education and that I have been raised to be and remain a faithful believer in Christ Jesus. Along with these things, take note as to the metaphor I have been using. The basketball player practices in order to obtain success in games he will later partake and participate in. In this same way, of what we do on a day to day basis, could foreshadow what we hope to do later in life. If one spends a majority of time studying academics, it is likely that he or she wants to be smart in a particular field, which is normally believed to lead to a high paying job, just providing financial success. In my postings, I have mentioned several times, "the purpose of life," or "the meaning of life." I pose the question, could the purpose of life be what we hope to derive from life? If so, then would this not mean that if we desire to obtain financial success later in life, that would make such success "the purpose of life?" Thus, the purpose of life would thereby be, in the years that I am in, to study, and study, and study. Though I disagree with this entire concept, I cannot deny its existence in our world, as it is a system of beliefs held dearly by many of our peers. These are the points I wanted to make sure you remembered before reading my next post. So, now you may continue on!


NCrunner said...

I really enjoy following your post. You bring up a lot of points that I think about a lot. I have often asked myself what the purpose of my life is. Why are we here? What are we suppose to be doing with our lives? I like to think that we each have a destiny. I believe that God has provided a plan for our lives. The idea to question is whether or not we chose that destiny in the actions that we are doing now. You mentioned this in your last post and we can not deny that it exists but then I don’t like the idea that I am trying to take my future into my own hands. But I do have a few more thoughts on the issue. Yes, I am making choices today that will affect my future. I am attending college to get a good education to hopefully have a wonderful job one day and have a life that I enjoy. This is part of my plan for my life. So, am I choosing the path of my future solely because it is what I want or do I make these choices today because I believe this is part of God’s plan for my life? If it is the latter then I am not choosing my path, I am only following the one that God has provided for me, or what I believe is the path that God has provided for me. It is just something to think about, something that I find myself thinking about a lot.

McCrea said...

Interesting points, ncrunner. Yes I find myself thinking about this a lot, as well. I want to say that many people are in constant search for the purpose of life, but that would be a jump in logic. :) . Discussing the issue of God's plan for our life, I believe God does in fact have a plan for each individual on Earth. He's blessed each one of us with gifts and talents, some (hopefully most) of which we enjoy using. If we are using these gifts for God's glory and striving to live for Christ, our desires will align with God's desires for us. Just like a father to his child, God wants to see us enjoy the gifts He's given us. God can still be pleased with us while we're getting an education and working. It's how we do what we do that matters.